Wednesday, June 18, 2014

 My sister Shonnie had her baby on June 8th. His name is Carson Cruze and he is adorable!

 A little face painting at the Gateway Mall.

 Nice hat!!! I think he found this little treasure in the "decoration bin". He wore it all night!
 I love these kiddos!
 Our annual Father's Day Luau was a little cold and windy this year so we ended up decorating the inside of the Hislop's house. Corb is quite the decorator!

 Corb's "wall of fame"
Happy Fathers Day!!! We love you daddy! Yes, that is Brian photo bombing in the background. :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Afton sleeps like this with "Callie" every night! I love it!
 Cam turned 14!!! I can't believe it! He requested Raspberry Lemon Cheesecake Cupcakes and Frapee' for dessert. He is honestly the the most kind, compassionate, honest, loving, caring, smart, helpful young man that I know. Happy Birthday Cam! WE LOVE YOU!!!
 He spent his actual birthday (June 3rd) in Washington DC, Virginia, and Philadelphia, on the 8th grade field trip.He had SO much fun and learned SO much! He is still trying to recover sleep wise. Next week he goes on a 50 mile hike for scouts for a week, then will be home for 1 day and turn around and go on another scout camp for a week. I'm tired for him!...

 Here is a couple of pics from a water party that my younger kids went to for the last day of school.

 Cam's soccer team
 Corb and Aft playing a board game with Toban and Bryce.

 Corbin and Afton decided that they wanted to do a little "art project".

 Beautiful art work kids! :)
Livin the life!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Here area  few more dance recital picts that "uncle Toban" took of my girls. They are much better than the picts that I took. 

Reagan's 5th Grade Bike Hike

 I LOVE that Grantsville still does the 5th Grade Bike Hike tradition! It really is a lot of fun... at least I thought so. Some of the 5th graders huffing and puffing on the side of the road dying of the heat didn't like it so much . :( Reagan was making fun of my "big - fat- grandma" seat! About 10 minutes into the ride she was super jealous!!!  I did get myself quite sunburned! Stupid me!!! Anyhow, Reag and I ended up biking about 16 miles total in the 90 degree heat. Good times!

 I love this girl!


Our family got season Lagoon passes for Christmas last year. We haven't even been to Lagoon in about 4 years, so we figured if we are going to go, we are going to to A LOT! Too bad my body can't quite handle Lagoon like it used to... I get pretty sick on most of the rides. Oh well, it's fun to go and watch the kids.