Friday, February 6, 2015

Not much happening....

I haven't been blogging much lately because let's be honest... January is LAME!!! I kind of despise the months of January and February (with the exception of Valentines... I LOVE Valentines!) Anyway, here are a few random pictures as of late...
 Afton, after applying her own bright turquoise eye makeup! She looks like a million bucks!... and yes, I did let her go out of the house looking like this... because on child #4, it's not worth the fight.

 Afton having some playdates

 Cam playing a little more soccer

 Superbowl/cookie making time with aunt Jody!

 Corbin's creation that he made at school for "100th" day.
 Reagan's master piece science project that her dad helped her with.
Reagan also got student of the month in her class. The principal call me and stated "I have Reagan in my office.... for receiving the Student of the Month Award" Go Reagan!

 Dang! These love letters posted sideways and I'm too lazy right now to fix them... Anyway they are to Afton from a little boy in her primary/school class. So stinkin' cute!

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